Days to Months Converter

Enter the time in days below to get the value converted to months.


Result in Months:

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1 d = 0.032855 mo

Do you want to convert months to days?

How to Convert Days to Months

To convert a measurement in days to a measurement in months, multiply the time by the following conversion ratio: 0.032855 months/day.

Since one day is equal to 0.032855 months, you can use this simple formula to convert:

months = days × 0.032855

The time in months is equal to the time in days multiplied by 0.032855.

For example, here's how to convert 5 days to months using the formula above.
months = (5 d × 0.032855) = 0.164274 mo

Days and months are both units used to measure time. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

What Is a Day?

One day is the time it takes for the Earth to complete a single 360-degree rotation about its axis. There are 24 hours in a day.

The day is an SI accepted unit for time for use with the metric system. Days can be abbreviated as d; for example, 1 day can be written as 1 d.

Learn more about days.

What Is a Month?

One month is a unit of time equal to 1/12 of a year. The month is a unit of time used most commonly in relation to the calendar, and ranges in length from 28 to 31 days.

Months can be abbreviated as mo (plural mos), and are also sometimes abbreviated as mth. For example, 1 month can be written as 1 mo or 1 mth, and 2 months can be written as 2 mos.

Learn more about months.

Day to Month Conversion Table

Table showing various day measurements converted to months.
Days Months
1 d 0.032855 mo
2 d 0.06571 mo
3 d 0.098565 mo
4 d 0.13142 mo
5 d 0.164274 mo
6 d 0.197129 mo
7 d 0.229984 mo
8 d 0.262839 mo
9 d 0.295694 mo
10 d 0.328549 mo
11 d 0.361404 mo
12 d 0.394259 mo
13 d 0.427113 mo
14 d 0.459968 mo
15 d 0.492823 mo
16 d 0.525678 mo
17 d 0.558533 mo
18 d 0.591388 mo
19 d 0.624243 mo
20 d 0.657098 mo
21 d 0.689953 mo
22 d 0.722807 mo
23 d 0.755662 mo
24 d 0.788517 mo
25 d 0.821372 mo
26 d 0.854227 mo
27 d 0.887082 mo
28 d 0.919937 mo
29 d 0.952792 mo
30 d 0.985647 mo
31 d 1.0185 mo
32 d 1.0514 mo
33 d 1.0842 mo
34 d 1.1171 mo
35 d 1.1499 mo
36 d 1.1828 mo
37 d 1.2156 mo
38 d 1.2485 mo
39 d 1.2813 mo
40 d 1.3142 mo

More Day & Month Conversions