Milligram Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in milligrams below to convert to another unit of weight.


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Do you want to convert milligrams to ounces, teaspoons, or milliliters?

What Is a Milligram?

A milligram is a unit used to measure weight.

The milligram, or milligramme, is an SI unit of weight in the metric system. In the metric system, "milli" is the prefix for thousandths, or 10-3. Milligrams can be abbreviated as mg; for example, 1 milligram can be written as 1 mg.

How Much Is a Milligram?

The milligram is a unit of mass equal to 1/1,000 of a gram, or 0.0154 grains.

How to Convert Milligrams

To convert milligrams to another unit of weight, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[1]

You can find the conversion factors for milligrams in the conversion table below.

Then, multiply the weight measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.

milligrams × conversion factor = result

You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.

Milligram Conversion Table

Common milligram values and equivalent imperial and metric weight measurements
milligrams tons pounds ounces metric tons kilograms grams calories long tons carats
1 mg 0.0000000011023 t 0.0000022046 lb 0.000035274 oz 0.000000001 t 0.000001 kg 0.001 g 0.007716 kcal 0.00000000098421 lt 0.005 ct
2 mg 0.0000000022046 t 0.0000044092 lb 0.000070548 oz 0.000000002 t 0.000002 kg 0.002 g 0.015432 kcal 0.0000000019684 lt 0.01 ct
3 mg 0.0000000033069 t 0.0000066139 lb 0.000106 oz 0.000000003 t 0.000003 kg 0.003 g 0.023149 kcal 0.0000000029526 lt 0.015 ct
4 mg 0.0000000044092 t 0.0000088185 lb 0.000141 oz 0.000000004 t 0.000004 kg 0.004 g 0.030865 kcal 0.0000000039368 lt 0.02 ct
5 mg 0.0000000055116 t 0.000011023 lb 0.000176 oz 0.000000005 t 0.000005 kg 0.005 g 0.038581 kcal 0.000000004921 lt 0.025 ct
6 mg 0.0000000066139 t 0.000013228 lb 0.000212 oz 0.000000006 t 0.000006 kg 0.006 g 0.046297 kcal 0.0000000059052 lt 0.03 ct
7 mg 0.0000000077162 t 0.000015432 lb 0.000247 oz 0.000000007 t 0.000007 kg 0.007 g 0.054013 kcal 0.0000000068894 lt 0.035 ct
8 mg 0.0000000088185 t 0.000017637 lb 0.000282 oz 0.000000008 t 0.000008 kg 0.008 g 0.061729 kcal 0.0000000078737 lt 0.04 ct
9 mg 0.0000000099208 t 0.000019842 lb 0.000317 oz 0.000000009 t 0.000009 kg 0.009 g 0.069446 kcal 0.0000000088579 lt 0.045 ct
10 mg 0.000000011023 t 0.000022046 lb 0.000353 oz 0.00000001 t 0.00001 kg 0.01 g 0.077162 kcal 0.0000000098421 lt 0.05 ct
11 mg 0.000000012125 t 0.000024251 lb 0.000388 oz 0.000000011 t 0.000011 kg 0.011 g 0.084878 kcal 0.000000010826 lt 0.055 ct
12 mg 0.000000013228 t 0.000026455 lb 0.000423 oz 0.000000012 t 0.000012 kg 0.012 g 0.092594 kcal 0.00000001181 lt 0.06 ct
13 mg 0.00000001433 t 0.00002866 lb 0.000459 oz 0.000000013 t 0.000013 kg 0.013 g 0.10031 kcal 0.000000012795 lt 0.065 ct
14 mg 0.000000015432 t 0.000030865 lb 0.000494 oz 0.000000014 t 0.000014 kg 0.014 g 0.108027 kcal 0.000000013779 lt 0.07 ct
15 mg 0.000000016535 t 0.000033069 lb 0.000529 oz 0.000000015 t 0.000015 kg 0.015 g 0.115743 kcal 0.000000014763 lt 0.075 ct
16 mg 0.000000017637 t 0.000035274 lb 0.000564 oz 0.000000016 t 0.000016 kg 0.016 g 0.123459 kcal 0.000000015747 lt 0.08 ct
17 mg 0.000000018739 t 0.000037479 lb 0.0006 oz 0.000000017 t 0.000017 kg 0.017 g 0.131175 kcal 0.000000016732 lt 0.085 ct
18 mg 0.000000019842 t 0.000039683 lb 0.000635 oz 0.000000018 t 0.000018 kg 0.018 g 0.138891 kcal 0.000000017716 lt 0.09 ct
19 mg 0.000000020944 t 0.000041888 lb 0.00067 oz 0.000000019 t 0.000019 kg 0.019 g 0.146607 kcal 0.0000000187 lt 0.095 ct
20 mg 0.000000022046 t 0.000044092 lb 0.000705 oz 0.00000002 t 0.00002 kg 0.02 g 0.154324 kcal 0.000000019684 lt 0.1 ct

Milligram Conversion Calculators

You can also convert weight using one of our milligram converters below.

US Customary & Imperial Units
SI Units
Body Weight
Other Units


  1. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion,

Other Weight Units

US Customary & Imperial Units
SI Units
Body Weight
Other Units