Degrees to Milliradians Converter
Enter the angle in degrees below to convert it to milliradians.
Result in Milliradians:
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How to Convert Degrees to Milliradians
To convert a measurement in degrees to a measurement in milliradians, multiply the angle by the following conversion ratio: 17.453293 milliradians/degree.
Since one degree is equal to 17.453293 milliradians, you can use this simple formula to convert:
milliradians = degrees × 17.453293
The angle in milliradians is equal to the angle in degrees multiplied by 17.453293.

How Many Milliradians Are in a Degree?
There are 17.453293 milliradians in a degree, which is why we use this value in the formula above.
1° = 17.453293 mrad
Degrees and milliradians are both units used to measure angle. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.
What Is a Degree?
A degree is a measure of angle equal to 1/360th of a revolution, or circle.[1] The number 360 has 24 divisors, making it a fairly easy number to work with. There are also 360 days in the Persian calendar year, and many theorize that early astronomers used 1 degree per day.
The degree is an SI accepted unit for angle for use with the metric system. A degree is sometimes also referred to as a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree. Degrees can be abbreviated as °, and are also sometimes abbreviated as deg. For example, 1 degree can be written as 1° or 1 deg.
Degrees can also be expressed using arcminutes and arcseconds as an alternative to using the decimal form. Arcminutes and arcseconds are expressed using the prime (′) and double-prime (″) characters, respectively, although a single-quote and double-quote are often used for convenience.
One arcminute is equal to 1/60th of a degree, and one arcsecond is equal to 1/60th of an arcminute.
Protractors are commonly used to measure angles in degrees. They are semi-circle or full-circle devices with degree markings allowing a user to measure an angle in degrees. Learn more about how to use a protractor or download a printable protractor.
Learn more about degrees.
What Is a Milliradian?
A milliradian is equal to 1/1,000 of a radian. One milliradian is equal to 0.0573 degrees and there are 6,283 milliradians in a full revolution/circle. The milliradian is also a commonly used unit in mathematics.
The milliradian is a multiple of the radian, which is the SI derived unit for angle. In the metric system, "milli" is the prefix for thousandths, or 10-3. A milliradian is sometimes also referred to as a mil. Milliradians can be abbreviated as mrad; for example, 1 milliradian can be written as 1 mrad.
Learn more about milliradians.
Degree to Milliradian Conversion Table
Degrees | Milliradians |
1° | 17.45 mrad |
2° | 34.91 mrad |
3° | 52.36 mrad |
4° | 69.81 mrad |
5° | 87.27 mrad |
6° | 104.72 mrad |
7° | 122.17 mrad |
8° | 139.63 mrad |
9° | 157.08 mrad |
10° | 174.53 mrad |
11° | 191.99 mrad |
12° | 209.44 mrad |
13° | 226.89 mrad |
14° | 244.35 mrad |
15° | 261.8 mrad |
16° | 279.25 mrad |
17° | 296.71 mrad |
18° | 314.16 mrad |
19° | 331.61 mrad |
20° | 349.07 mrad |
21° | 366.52 mrad |
22° | 383.97 mrad |
23° | 401.43 mrad |
24° | 418.88 mrad |
25° | 436.33 mrad |
26° | 453.79 mrad |
27° | 471.24 mrad |
28° | 488.69 mrad |
29° | 506.15 mrad |
30° | 523.6 mrad |
31° | 541.05 mrad |
32° | 558.51 mrad |
33° | 575.96 mrad |
34° | 593.41 mrad |
35° | 610.87 mrad |
36° | 628.32 mrad |
37° | 645.77 mrad |
38° | 663.23 mrad |
39° | 680.68 mrad |
40° | 698.13 mrad |
- Collins Dictionary, Definition of 'degree',
More Degree & Milliradian Conversions
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- degrees to gradians
- degrees to revolutions
- degrees to circles
- degrees to mils
- radians to milliradians
- minutes of arc to milliradians
- seconds of arc to milliradians
- gradians to milliradians
- revolutions to milliradians
- circles to milliradians
- mils to milliradians