Beer Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in beers below to convert to another unit of beer volume.


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What Is a Beer?

A beer is a unit used to measure beer volume.

The beer is a US customary unit of beer volume.

How Much Is a Beer?

The standard beer in the US is 12 fl. oz. and is often distributed in a bottle or can, however aluminum bottles are rising in popularity. There are various other bottle and can sizes, such as the bomber or forty. Beer bottles are available in several shapes, ranging from the stubby to the long-neck.

How to Convert Beers

To convert beers to another unit of beer volume, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[1]

You can find the conversion factors for beers in the conversion table below.

Then, multiply the beer volume measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.

beers × conversion factor = result

You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.

Beer Conversion Table

Common beer values and equivalent imperial and metric beer volume measurements
beers beer barrels bombers cases forties gallons growlers half barrel kegs quarter barrel kegs liters fluid ounces pints quarts six packs
1 0.003024 bbl 0.545455 0.041667 0.3 0.09375 gal 0.1875 0.006048 0.012097 0.354883 l 12 fl oz 0.75 pt 0.375 qt 0.166667
2 0.006048 bbl 1.090909 0.083333 0.6 0.1875 gal 0.375 0.012097 0.024194 0.709765 l 24 fl oz 1.5 pt 0.75 qt 0.333333
3 0.009073 bbl 1.636364 0.125 0.9 0.28125 gal 0.5625 0.018145 0.03629 1.064648 l 36 fl oz 2.25 pt 1.125 qt 0.5
4 0.012097 bbl 2.181818 0.166667 1.2 0.375 gal 0.75 0.024194 0.048387 1.41953 l 48 fl oz 3 pt 1.5 qt 0.666667
5 0.015121 bbl 2.727273 0.208333 1.5 0.46875 gal 0.9375 0.030242 0.060484 1.774413 l 60 fl oz 3.75 pt 1.875 qt 0.833333
6 0.018145 bbl 3.272727 0.25 1.8 0.5625 gal 1.125 0.03629 0.072581 2.129296 l 72 fl oz 4.5 pt 2.25 qt 1
7 0.021169 bbl 3.818182 0.291667 2.1 0.65625 gal 1.3125 0.042339 0.084677 2.484178 l 84 fl oz 5.25 pt 2.625 qt 1.166667
8 0.024194 bbl 4.363636 0.333333 2.4 0.75 gal 1.5 0.048387 0.096774 2.839061 l 96 fl oz 6 pt 3 qt 1.333333
9 0.027218 bbl 4.909091 0.375 2.7 0.84375 gal 1.6875 0.054435 0.108871 3.193943 l 108 fl oz 6.75 pt 3.375 qt 1.5
10 0.030242 bbl 5.454545 0.416667 3 0.9375 gal 1.875 0.060484 0.120968 3.548826 l 120 fl oz 7.5 pt 3.75 qt 1.666667
11 0.033266 bbl 6 0.458333 3.3 1.03125 gal 2.0625 0.066532 0.133065 3.903709 l 132 fl oz 8.25 pt 4.125 qt 1.833333
12 0.03629 bbl 6.545455 0.5 3.6 1.125 gal 2.25 0.072581 0.145161 4.258591 l 144 fl oz 9 pt 4.5 qt 2
13 0.039315 bbl 7.090909 0.541667 3.9 1.21875 gal 2.4375 0.078629 0.157258 4.613474 l 156 fl oz 9.75 pt 4.875 qt 2.166667
14 0.042339 bbl 7.636364 0.583333 4.2 1.3125 gal 2.625 0.084677 0.169355 4.968356 l 168 fl oz 10.5 pt 5.25 qt 2.333333
15 0.045363 bbl 8.181818 0.625 4.5 1.40625 gal 2.8125 0.090726 0.181452 5.323239 l 180 fl oz 11.25 pt 5.625 qt 2.5
16 0.048387 bbl 8.727273 0.666667 4.8 1.5 gal 3 0.096774 0.193548 5.678121 l 192 fl oz 12 pt 6 qt 2.666667
17 0.051411 bbl 9.272727 0.708333 5.1 1.59375 gal 3.1875 0.102823 0.205645 6.033004 l 204 fl oz 12.75 pt 6.375 qt 2.833333
18 0.054435 bbl 9.818182 0.75 5.4 1.6875 gal 3.375 0.108871 0.217742 6.387887 l 216 fl oz 13.5 pt 6.75 qt 3
19 0.05746 bbl 10.363636 0.791667 5.7 1.78125 gal 3.5625 0.114919 0.229839 6.742769 l 228 fl oz 14.25 pt 7.125 qt 3.166667
20 0.060484 bbl 10.909091 0.833333 6 1.875 gal 3.75 0.120968 0.241935 7.097652 l 240 fl oz 15 pt 7.5 qt 3.333333

Beer Conversion Calculators

You can also convert beer volume using one of our beer converters below.


  1. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion,

Other Beer Volume Units