Kilocalorie Conversion Calculator
Enter a value in kilocalories below to convert to another unit of energy.
Do you want to convert kilocalories to calories?
What Is a Kilocalorie?
A kilocalorie is a unit used to measure energy.
Kilocalories can be abbreviated as kcal; for example, 1 kilocalorie can be written as 1 kcal.
When being used to measure nutrition or metabolic processes, the large calorie is used, which is equal to one kilocalorie.
The large calorie is most often used to measure the energy content in foods. This is used to measure the energy stored in foods that is used by the body to perform work.
How Much Is a Kilocalorie?
One kilocalorie, is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius.
How to Convert Kilocalories
To convert kilocalories to another unit of energy, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[1]
You can find the conversion factors for kilocalories in the conversion table below.
Then, multiply the energy measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.
kilocalories × conversion factor = result
You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.
Kilocalorie Conversion Table
kilocalories | joules | kilojoules | megajoules | gigajoules | calories | megacalories | watt-hours | kilowatt-hours | megawatt-hours | watt-seconds | british thermal units | million BTU | therms | quads | electronvolts | kiloelectronvolts | megaelectronvolts |
1 kcal | 4,184 J | 4.184 kJ | 0.004184 MJ | 0.000004184 GJ | 1,000 cal | 0.001 Mcal | 1.162222 Wh | 0.001162 kWh | 0.0000011622 MWh | 4,184 Ws | 3.965667 BTU | 0.0000039657 MMBTU | 0.000039657 | 0.0000000000000039657 | 26,113,999,999,999,999,475,712 eV | 26,114,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 26,114,000,000,000,000 MeV |
2 kcal | 8,368 J | 8.368 kJ | 0.008368 MJ | 0.000008368 GJ | 2,000 cal | 0.002 Mcal | 2.324444 Wh | 0.002324 kWh | 0.0000023244 MWh | 8,368 Ws | 7.931334 BTU | 0.0000079313 MMBTU | 0.000079313 | 0.0000000000000079313 | 52,229,000,000,000,000,786,432 eV | 52,229,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 52,229,000,000,000,000 MeV |
3 kcal | 12,552 J | 12.552 kJ | 0.012552 MJ | 0.000012552 GJ | 3,000 cal | 0.003 Mcal | 3.486667 Wh | 0.003487 kWh | 0.0000034867 MWh | 12,552 Ws | 11.897 BTU | 0.000011897 MMBTU | 0.000119 | 0.000000000000011897 | 78,343,000,000,000,004,456,448 eV | 78,343,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 78,343,000,000,000,000 MeV |
4 kcal | 16,736 J | 16.736 kJ | 0.016736 MJ | 0.000016736 GJ | 4,000 cal | 0.004 Mcal | 4.648889 Wh | 0.004649 kWh | 0.0000046489 MWh | 16,736 Ws | 15.862667 BTU | 0.000015863 MMBTU | 0.000159 | 0.000000000000015863 | 104,460,000,000,000,005,242,880 eV | 104,460,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 104,460,000,000,000,000 MeV |
5 kcal | 20,920 J | 20.92 kJ | 0.02092 MJ | 0.00002092 GJ | 5,000 cal | 0.005 Mcal | 5.811111 Wh | 0.005811 kWh | 0.0000058111 MWh | 20,920 Ws | 19.828334 BTU | 0.000019828 MMBTU | 0.000198 | 0.000000000000019828 | 130,570,000,000,000,001,572,864 eV | 130,570,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 130,570,000,000,000,000 MeV |
6 kcal | 25,104 J | 25.104 kJ | 0.025104 MJ | 0.000025104 GJ | 6,000 cal | 0.006 Mcal | 6.973333 Wh | 0.006973 kWh | 0.0000069733 MWh | 25,104 Ws | 23.794001 BTU | 0.000023794 MMBTU | 0.000238 | 0.000000000000023794 | 156,690,000,000,000,016,252,928 eV | 156,690,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 156,690,000,000,000,000 MeV |
7 kcal | 29,288 J | 29.288 kJ | 0.029288 MJ | 0.000029288 GJ | 7,000 cal | 0.007 Mcal | 8.135556 Wh | 0.008136 kWh | 0.0000081356 MWh | 29,288 Ws | 27.759668 BTU | 0.00002776 MMBTU | 0.000278 | 0.00000000000002776 | 182,799,999,999,999,995,805,696 eV | 182,800,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 182,800,000,000,000,000 MeV |
8 kcal | 33,472 J | 33.472 kJ | 0.033472 MJ | 0.000033472 GJ | 8,000 cal | 0.008 Mcal | 9.297778 Wh | 0.009298 kWh | 0.0000092978 MWh | 33,472 Ws | 31.725335 BTU | 0.000031725 MMBTU | 0.000317 | 0.000000000000031725 | 208,920,000,000,000,010,485,760 eV | 208,920,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 208,920,000,000,000,000 MeV |
9 kcal | 37,656 J | 37.656 kJ | 0.037656 MJ | 0.000037656 GJ | 9,000 cal | 0.009 Mcal | 10.46 Wh | 0.01046 kWh | 0.00001046 MWh | 37,656 Ws | 35.691001 BTU | 0.000035691 MMBTU | 0.000357 | 0.000000000000035691 | 235,029,999,999,999,990,038,528 eV | 235,030,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 235,030,000,000,000,000 MeV |
10 kcal | 41,840 J | 41.84 kJ | 0.04184 MJ | 0.00004184 GJ | 10,000 cal | 0.01 Mcal | 11.622222 Wh | 0.011622 kWh | 0.000011622 MWh | 41,840 Ws | 39.656668 BTU | 0.000039657 MMBTU | 0.000397 | 0.000000000000039657 | 261,140,000,000,000,003,145,728 eV | 261,140,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 261,140,000,000,000,000 MeV |
11 kcal | 46,024 J | 46.024 kJ | 0.046024 MJ | 0.000046024 GJ | 11,000 cal | 0.011 Mcal | 12.784444 Wh | 0.012784 kWh | 0.000012784 MWh | 46,024 Ws | 43.622335 BTU | 0.000043622 MMBTU | 0.000436 | 0.000000000000043622 | 287,259,999,999,999,984,271,360 eV | 287,260,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 287,260,000,000,000,000 MeV |
12 kcal | 50,208 J | 50.208 kJ | 0.050208 MJ | 0.000050208 GJ | 12,000 cal | 0.012 Mcal | 13.946667 Wh | 0.013947 kWh | 0.000013947 MWh | 50,208 Ws | 47.588002 BTU | 0.000047588 MMBTU | 0.000476 | 0.000000000000047588 | 313,369,999,999,999,997,378,560 eV | 313,370,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 313,370,000,000,000,000 MeV |
13 kcal | 54,392 J | 54.392 kJ | 0.054392 MJ | 0.000054392 GJ | 13,000 cal | 0.013 Mcal | 15.108889 Wh | 0.015109 kWh | 0.000015109 MWh | 54,392 Ws | 51.553669 BTU | 0.000051554 MMBTU | 0.000516 | 0.000000000000051554 | 339,490,000,000,000,012,058,624 eV | 339,490,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 339,490,000,000,000,000 MeV |
14 kcal | 58,576 J | 58.576 kJ | 0.058576 MJ | 0.000058576 GJ | 14,000 cal | 0.014 Mcal | 16.271111 Wh | 0.016271 kWh | 0.000016271 MWh | 58,576 Ws | 55.519336 BTU | 0.000055519 MMBTU | 0.000555 | 0.000000000000055519 | 365,599,999,999,999,991,611,392 eV | 365,600,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 365,600,000,000,000,000 MeV |
15 kcal | 62,760 J | 62.76 kJ | 0.06276 MJ | 0.00006276 GJ | 15,000 cal | 0.015 Mcal | 17.433333 Wh | 0.017433 kWh | 0.000017433 MWh | 62,760 Ws | 59.485002 BTU | 0.000059485 MMBTU | 0.000595 | 0.000000000000059485 | 391,720,000,000,000,006,291,456 eV | 391,720,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 391,720,000,000,000,000 MeV |
16 kcal | 66,944 J | 66.944 kJ | 0.066944 MJ | 0.000066944 GJ | 16,000 cal | 0.016 Mcal | 18.595556 Wh | 0.018596 kWh | 0.000018596 MWh | 66,944 Ws | 63.450669 BTU | 0.000063451 MMBTU | 0.000635 | 0.000000000000063451 | 417,829,999,999,999,985,844,224 eV | 417,830,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 417,830,000,000,000,000 MeV |
17 kcal | 71,128 J | 71.128 kJ | 0.071128 MJ | 0.000071128 GJ | 17,000 cal | 0.017 Mcal | 19.757778 Wh | 0.019758 kWh | 0.000019758 MWh | 71,128 Ws | 67.416336 BTU | 0.000067416 MMBTU | 0.000674 | 0.000000000000067416 | 443,950,000,000,000,000,524,288 eV | 443,950,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 443,950,000,000,000,000 MeV |
18 kcal | 75,312 J | 75.312 kJ | 0.075312 MJ | 0.000075312 GJ | 18,000 cal | 0.018 Mcal | 20.92 Wh | 0.02092 kWh | 0.00002092 MWh | 75,312 Ws | 71.382003 BTU | 0.000071382 MMBTU | 0.000714 | 0.000000000000071382 | 470,059,999,999,999,980,077,056 eV | 470,060,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 470,060,000,000,000,000 MeV |
19 kcal | 79,496 J | 79.496 kJ | 0.079496 MJ | 0.000079496 GJ | 19,000 cal | 0.019 Mcal | 22.082222 Wh | 0.022082 kWh | 0.000022082 MWh | 79,496 Ws | 75.34767 BTU | 0.000075348 MMBTU | 0.000753 | 0.000000000000075348 | 496,179,999,999,999,994,757,120 eV | 496,180,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 496,180,000,000,000,000 MeV |
20 kcal | 83,680 J | 83.68 kJ | 0.08368 MJ | 0.00008368 GJ | 20,000 cal | 0.02 Mcal | 23.244444 Wh | 0.023244 kWh | 0.000023244 MWh | 83,680 Ws | 79.313337 BTU | 0.000079313 MMBTU | 0.000793 | 0.000000000000079313 | 522,289,999,999,999,974,309,888 eV | 522,290,000,000,000,000,000 keV | 522,290,000,000,000,000 MeV |
Kilocalorie Conversion Calculators
You can also convert energy using one of our kilocalorie converters below.
You might also find our other electrical calculators useful.
- National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion,