Kilometers per Hour Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in kilometers per hour below to convert to another unit of speed.


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Do you want to convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour?

What Are Kilometers per Hour?

Kilometers per hour are a measurement of speed.

The kilometer per hour, or kilometre per hour, is an SI unit of speed in the metric system. Kilometers per hour can be abbreviated as km/h, and are also sometimes abbreviated as kph. For example, 1 kilometer per hour can be written as 1 km/h or 1 kph.

In the expressions of units, the slash, or solidus (/), is used to express a change in one or more units relative to a change in one or more other units.[1] For example, km/h is expressing a change in length or distance relative to a change in time.

Kilometers per hour can be expressed using the formula:
vkm/h = dkm / thr

The velocity in kilometers per hour is equal to the distance in kilometers divided by time in hours.

How Fast Is a Kilometer per Hour?

Kilometers per hour are a measurement of speed expressing the distance traveled in kilometers in one hour.

How to Convert Kilometers per Hour

To convert kilometers per hour to another unit of speed, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[2]

You can find the conversion factors for kilometers per hour in the conversion table below.

Then, multiply the speed measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.

kilometers per hour × conversion factor = result

You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.

Kilometers per Hour Conversion Table

Common kilometers per hour values and equivalent imperial and metric speed measurements
kilometers per hour knots Mach number speed of sound speed of light miles per hour feet per second kilometers per second meters per second centimeters per second
1 km/h 0.539957 kn Mach 0.00081 0.00081 sound 0.00000000092657 c 0.621371 mph 0.911344 ft/s 0.000278 km/s 0.277778 m/s 27.777778 cm/s
2 km/h 1.079914 kn Mach 0.00162 0.00162 sound 0.0000000018531 c 1.242742 mph 1.822689 ft/s 0.000556 km/s 0.555556 m/s 55.555556 cm/s
3 km/h 1.61987 kn Mach 0.00243 0.00243 sound 0.0000000027797 c 1.864114 mph 2.734033 ft/s 0.000833 km/s 0.833333 m/s 83.333333 cm/s
4 km/h 2.159827 kn Mach 0.003239 0.003239 sound 0.0000000037063 c 2.485485 mph 3.645378 ft/s 0.001111 km/s 1.111111 m/s 111.111111 cm/s
5 km/h 2.699784 kn Mach 0.004049 0.004049 sound 0.0000000046328 c 3.106856 mph 4.556722 ft/s 0.001389 km/s 1.388889 m/s 138.888889 cm/s
6 km/h 3.239741 kn Mach 0.004859 0.004859 sound 0.0000000055594 c 3.728227 mph 5.468066 ft/s 0.001667 km/s 1.666667 m/s 166.666667 cm/s
7 km/h 3.779698 kn Mach 0.005669 0.005669 sound 0.000000006486 c 4.349598 mph 6.379411 ft/s 0.001944 km/s 1.944444 m/s 194.444444 cm/s
8 km/h 4.319654 kn Mach 0.006479 0.006479 sound 0.0000000074125 c 4.97097 mph 7.290755 ft/s 0.002222 km/s 2.222222 m/s 222.222222 cm/s
9 km/h 4.859611 kn Mach 0.007289 0.007289 sound 0.0000000083391 c 5.592341 mph 8.2021 ft/s 0.0025 km/s 2.5 m/s 250 cm/s
10 km/h 5.399568 kn Mach 0.008098 0.008098 sound 0.0000000092657 c 6.213712 mph 9.113444 ft/s 0.002778 km/s 2.777778 m/s 277.777778 cm/s
11 km/h 5.939525 kn Mach 0.008908 0.008908 sound 0.000000010192 c 6.835083 mph 10.024789 ft/s 0.003056 km/s 3.055556 m/s 305.555556 cm/s
12 km/h 6.479482 kn Mach 0.009718 0.009718 sound 0.000000011119 c 7.456454 mph 10.936133 ft/s 0.003333 km/s 3.333333 m/s 333.333333 cm/s
13 km/h 7.019438 kn Mach 0.010528 0.010528 sound 0.000000012045 c 8.077825 mph 11.847477 ft/s 0.003611 km/s 3.611111 m/s 361.111111 cm/s
14 km/h 7.559395 kn Mach 0.011338 0.011338 sound 0.000000012972 c 8.699197 mph 12.758822 ft/s 0.003889 km/s 3.888889 m/s 388.888889 cm/s
15 km/h 8.099352 kn Mach 0.012148 0.012148 sound 0.000000013899 c 9.320568 mph 13.670166 ft/s 0.004167 km/s 4.166667 m/s 416.666667 cm/s
16 km/h 8.639309 kn Mach 0.012958 0.012958 sound 0.000000014825 c 9.941939 mph 14.581511 ft/s 0.004444 km/s 4.444444 m/s 444.444444 cm/s
17 km/h 9.179266 kn Mach 0.013767 0.013767 sound 0.000000015752 c 10.56331 mph 15.492855 ft/s 0.004722 km/s 4.722222 m/s 472.222222 cm/s
18 km/h 9.719222 kn Mach 0.014577 0.014577 sound 0.000000016678 c 11.184681 mph 16.404199 ft/s 0.005 km/s 5 m/s 500 cm/s
19 km/h 10.259179 kn Mach 0.015387 0.015387 sound 0.000000017605 c 11.806053 mph 17.315544 ft/s 0.005278 km/s 5.277778 m/s 527.777778 cm/s
20 km/h 10.799136 kn Mach 0.016197 0.016197 sound 0.000000018531 c 12.427424 mph 18.226888 ft/s 0.005556 km/s 5.555556 m/s 555.555556 cm/s

Kilometers per Hour Conversion Calculators

You can also convert speed using one of our kilometers per hour converters below.


  1. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Guide to the SI, Chapter 6: Rules and Style Conventions for Printing and Using Units,
  2. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion,

Other Speed Units