Megabytes Conversion

Enter a value in megabytes below to convert to another unit of data storage.


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What Is a Megabyte?

A megabyte is a unit used to measure data storage.

Megabytes can be abbreviated as MB; for example, 1 megabyte can be written as 1 MB.

How Much Is a Megabyte?

In the International System of Quantities, one megabyte is equal to 1,000,000 bytes, or 106 bytes. However, the megabyte is commonly used interchangeably with the mebibyte (MiB), which is equal to 1,048,576 bytes or 220 bytes in the binary system.

So, depending on the context, one megabyte is equal to 1,000,000 or 1,048,576 bytes.

How to Convert Megabytes

To convert megabytes to another unit of data storage, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[1]

You can find the conversion factors for megabytes in the conversion table below.

Then, multiply the data storage measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.

megabytes × conversion factor = result

You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.

Megabyte Measurement Conversion Table

Common megabyte values and equivalent imperial and metric data storage measurements
megabytes bits kilobits megabits gigabits bytes kilobytes gigabytes
1 MB 8,388,608 b 8,192 kb 8 Mb 0.007813 Gb 1,048,576 B 1,024 kB 0.000977 GB
2 MB 16,777,216 b 16,384 kb 16 Mb 0.015625 Gb 2,097,152 B 2,048 kB 0.001953 GB
3 MB 25,165,824 b 24,576 kb 24 Mb 0.023438 Gb 3,145,728 B 3,072 kB 0.00293 GB
4 MB 33,554,432 b 32,768 kb 32 Mb 0.03125 Gb 4,194,304 B 4,096 kB 0.003906 GB
5 MB 41,943,040 b 40,960 kb 40 Mb 0.039063 Gb 5,242,880 B 5,120 kB 0.004883 GB
6 MB 50,331,648 b 49,152 kb 48 Mb 0.046875 Gb 6,291,456 B 6,144 kB 0.005859 GB
7 MB 58,720,256 b 57,344 kb 56 Mb 0.054688 Gb 7,340,032 B 7,168 kB 0.006836 GB
8 MB 67,108,864 b 65,536 kb 64 Mb 0.0625 Gb 8,388,608 B 8,192 kB 0.007813 GB
9 MB 75,497,472 b 73,728 kb 72 Mb 0.070313 Gb 9,437,184 B 9,216 kB 0.008789 GB
10 MB 83,886,080 b 81,920 kb 80 Mb 0.078125 Gb 10,485,760 B 10,240 kB 0.009766 GB
11 MB 92,274,688 b 90,112 kb 88 Mb 0.085938 Gb 11,534,336 B 11,264 kB 0.010742 GB
12 MB 100,663,296 b 98,304 kb 96 Mb 0.09375 Gb 12,582,912 B 12,288 kB 0.011719 GB
13 MB 109,051,904 b 106,496 kb 104 Mb 0.101563 Gb 13,631,488 B 13,312 kB 0.012695 GB
14 MB 117,440,512 b 114,688 kb 112 Mb 0.109375 Gb 14,680,064 B 14,336 kB 0.013672 GB
15 MB 125,829,120 b 122,880 kb 120 Mb 0.117188 Gb 15,728,640 B 15,360 kB 0.014648 GB
16 MB 134,217,728 b 131,072 kb 128 Mb 0.125 Gb 16,777,216 B 16,384 kB 0.015625 GB
17 MB 142,606,336 b 139,264 kb 136 Mb 0.132813 Gb 17,825,792 B 17,408 kB 0.016602 GB
18 MB 150,994,944 b 147,456 kb 144 Mb 0.140625 Gb 18,874,368 B 18,432 kB 0.017578 GB
19 MB 159,383,552 b 155,648 kb 152 Mb 0.148438 Gb 19,922,944 B 19,456 kB 0.018555 GB
20 MB 167,772,160 b 163,840 kb 160 Mb 0.15625 Gb 20,971,520 B 20,480 kB 0.019531 GB

Megabyte Conversion Calculators

You can also convert data storage using one of our megabyte converters below.

Data Storage Converters


  1. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion,

Other Data Storage Units

Data Storage Converters