Milligrams to Tablespoons Conversion Calculator

Enter the weight in milligrams below to calculate the volume in tablespoons.


Result in Tablespoons:

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15,000 mg = 1.014420681 tbsp
15,000 mg ≈ 1 tbsp

Do you want to convert tablespoons to milligrams?

How to Convert Milligrams to Tablespoons

Since milligrams are a unit of mass and tablespoons are a unit of volume, which are different physical quantities, we need to know one more physical quantity of the ingredient or substance to convert between them. In this case, we need to account for the density of the substance whenever we do a conversion.

Therefore, to convert between milligrams and tablespoons of an ingredient or substance, we must either multiply or divide by its density, depending on which direction we are performing the conversion.

Milligrams to Tablespoons Formula

To convert a measurement in milligrams to tablespoons, divide the weight by the density of the ingredient or material. Note that in order for this to work, the density must be in milligrams per tablespoon (mg/tbsp).

If the density is given in grams per milliliter (g/mL), then first multiply the density by 14,786.765 to convert to mg/tbsp.

For a density given in g/mL, you can use this simple formula to convert:

tablespoons = milligrams / 14,786.765 × density

Thus, the volume in tablespoons is equal to the weight in milligrams divided by 14,786.765 times the density (in g/mL) of the ingredient, substance, or material.

For example, here's how to convert 50,000 milligrams to tablespoons for an ingredient with a density of 0.7 g/mL.
tablespoons = 50,000 mg / 14,786.765 × 0.7 g/mL = 4.8306 tbsp

When to Convert Milligrams to Tablespoons

Milligrams and tablespoons are both commonly used to measure cooking ingredients.

For cooking applications, most chefs suggest measuring dry ingredients by weight rather than volume to improve accuracy in the measurements.[1] The density of dry ingredients can vary for a variety of reasons, such as compaction and clumping.

The best way to ensure an accurate conversion is to use a scale. When a scale is not available, a calculator like the one above is a good way to estimate the weight to volume conversion.

Another useful application of weight and volume conversions is chemistry. When performing chemical reactions by combining separate chemicals to produce a new chemical, one must know the exact amount of each chemical to add in order to maximize the yield of the reaction.

It is common to mix powdered chemicals with liquid, or aqueous, chemicals, and this is where it becomes very useful to convert between weights and volumes.[2]

Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

What Is a Milligram?

The milligram is a unit of mass equal to 1/1,000 of a gram, or 0.0154 grains.

The milligram, or milligramme, is an SI unit of mass in the metric system. In the metric system, "milli" is the prefix for thousandths, or 10-3. Milligrams can be abbreviated as mg; for example, 1 milligram can be written as 1 mg.

A milligram is frequently referred to as a unit of weight. While technically, a milligram is a measure of mass, and weight is actually a measure of force, the two are equivalent as long as we are performing our calculations on Earth.

For example, an object with a mass of 1 milligram weighs 1 milligram on Earth, but only weighs one-sixth of that on the moon, yet still has the same mass.

Learn more about milligrams.

What Is a Tablespoon?

A tablespoon is a unit of volume equal to three teaspoons or ½ fluid ounce.[3] One tablespoon is equal to 14.7868 milliliters, but for nutrition labeling, one tablespoon is rounded to 15 milliliters.[4]

The tablespoon is a US customary unit of volume. Tablespoons can be abbreviated as tbsp, and are also sometimes abbreviated as T, Tbls, or Tb. For example, 1 tablespoon can be written as 1 tbsp, 1 T, 1 Tbls, or 1 Tb.

Learn more about tablespoons.

Milligram to Tablespoon Conversion Table

Milligram measurements converted to tablespoons for commonly used cooking and baking ingredients.
Weight in Milligrams: Volume in Tablespoons of:
Water Milk Cooking Oil All Purpose Flour Granulated Sugar
100 mg 0.006763 tbsp 0.006566 tbsp 0.007685 tbsp 0.012784 tbsp 0.009593 tbsp
200 mg 0.013526 tbsp 0.013132 tbsp 0.01537 tbsp 0.025568 tbsp 0.019185 tbsp
300 mg 0.020288 tbsp 0.019697 tbsp 0.023055 tbsp 0.038352 tbsp 0.028778 tbsp
400 mg 0.027051 tbsp 0.026263 tbsp 0.03074 tbsp 0.051137 tbsp 0.038371 tbsp
500 mg 0.033814 tbsp 0.032829 tbsp 0.038425 tbsp 0.063921 tbsp 0.047963 tbsp
600 mg 0.040577 tbsp 0.039395 tbsp 0.04611 tbsp 0.076705 tbsp 0.057556 tbsp
700 mg 0.04734 tbsp 0.045961 tbsp 0.053795 tbsp 0.089489 tbsp 0.067148 tbsp
800 mg 0.054102 tbsp 0.052527 tbsp 0.06148 tbsp 0.102273 tbsp 0.076741 tbsp
900 mg 0.060865 tbsp 0.059092 tbsp 0.069165 tbsp 0.115057 tbsp 0.086334 tbsp
1,000 mg 0.067628 tbsp 0.065658 tbsp 0.07685 tbsp 0.127841 tbsp 0.095926 tbsp
1,100 mg 0.074391 tbsp 0.072224 tbsp 0.084535 tbsp 0.140625 tbsp 0.105519 tbsp
1,200 mg 0.081154 tbsp 0.07879 tbsp 0.09222 tbsp 0.15341 tbsp 0.115112 tbsp
1,300 mg 0.087916 tbsp 0.085356 tbsp 0.099905 tbsp 0.166194 tbsp 0.124704 tbsp
1,400 mg 0.094679 tbsp 0.091922 tbsp 0.10759 tbsp 0.178978 tbsp 0.134297 tbsp
1,500 mg 0.101442 tbsp 0.098487 tbsp 0.115275 tbsp 0.191762 tbsp 0.143889 tbsp
1,600 mg 0.108205 tbsp 0.105053 tbsp 0.12296 tbsp 0.204546 tbsp 0.153482 tbsp
1,700 mg 0.114968 tbsp 0.111619 tbsp 0.130645 tbsp 0.21733 tbsp 0.163075 tbsp
1,800 mg 0.12173 tbsp 0.118185 tbsp 0.13833 tbsp 0.230114 tbsp 0.172667 tbsp
1,900 mg 0.128493 tbsp 0.124751 tbsp 0.146015 tbsp 0.242898 tbsp 0.18226 tbsp
2,000 mg 0.135256 tbsp 0.131317 tbsp 0.1537 tbsp 0.255683 tbsp 0.191853 tbsp
2,100 mg 0.142019 tbsp 0.137882 tbsp 0.161385 tbsp 0.268467 tbsp 0.201445 tbsp
2,200 mg 0.148782 tbsp 0.144448 tbsp 0.16907 tbsp 0.281251 tbsp 0.211038 tbsp
2,300 mg 0.155545 tbsp 0.151014 tbsp 0.176755 tbsp 0.294035 tbsp 0.220631 tbsp
2,400 mg 0.162307 tbsp 0.15758 tbsp 0.18444 tbsp 0.306819 tbsp 0.230223 tbsp
2,500 mg 0.16907 tbsp 0.164146 tbsp 0.192125 tbsp 0.319603 tbsp 0.239816 tbsp
2,600 mg 0.175833 tbsp 0.170712 tbsp 0.19981 tbsp 0.332387 tbsp 0.249408 tbsp
2,700 mg 0.182596 tbsp 0.177277 tbsp 0.207495 tbsp 0.345171 tbsp 0.259001 tbsp
2,800 mg 0.189359 tbsp 0.183843 tbsp 0.21518 tbsp 0.357956 tbsp 0.268594 tbsp
2,900 mg 0.196121 tbsp 0.190409 tbsp 0.222865 tbsp 0.37074 tbsp 0.278186 tbsp
3,000 mg 0.202884 tbsp 0.196975 tbsp 0.23055 tbsp 0.383524 tbsp 0.287779 tbsp
3,100 mg 0.209647 tbsp 0.203541 tbsp 0.238235 tbsp 0.396308 tbsp 0.297372 tbsp
3,200 mg 0.21641 tbsp 0.210107 tbsp 0.24592 tbsp 0.409092 tbsp 0.306964 tbsp
3,300 mg 0.223173 tbsp 0.216672 tbsp 0.253605 tbsp 0.421876 tbsp 0.316557 tbsp
3,400 mg 0.229935 tbsp 0.223238 tbsp 0.26129 tbsp 0.43466 tbsp 0.326149 tbsp
3,500 mg 0.236698 tbsp 0.229804 tbsp 0.268975 tbsp 0.447445 tbsp 0.335742 tbsp
3,600 mg 0.243461 tbsp 0.23637 tbsp 0.27666 tbsp 0.460229 tbsp 0.345335 tbsp
3,700 mg 0.250224 tbsp 0.242936 tbsp 0.284345 tbsp 0.473013 tbsp 0.354927 tbsp
3,800 mg 0.256987 tbsp 0.249502 tbsp 0.29203 tbsp 0.485797 tbsp 0.36452 tbsp
3,900 mg 0.263749 tbsp 0.256067 tbsp 0.299715 tbsp 0.498581 tbsp 0.374113 tbsp
4,000 mg 0.270512 tbsp 0.262633 tbsp 0.3074 tbsp 0.511365 tbsp 0.383705 tbsp


  1. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Culinary Measurement Tips,
  2. CK-12 Foundation, Introductory Chemistry (CK-12) - 12.6: Mass-Volume Stoichiometry,
  3. Merriam-Webster, tablespoon,
  4. U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Guidance for Industry: Guidelines for Determining Metric Equivalents of Household Measures,

More Milligram & Tablespoon Conversions