Milliliters to Pounds & Ounces Conversion Calculator

Enter the volume in milliliters below to calculate the weight in pounds.


Result in Pounds:

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1 mL = 0.002204622622 lb
1 mL = 0 lb 0.035273961952 oz

Do you want to convert pounds to milliliters?

How to Convert Milliliters to Pounds

Since milliliters are a unit of volume and pounds are a unit of mass, which are different physical quantities, we need to know one more physical quantity of the ingredient or substance to convert between them. In this case, we need to account for the density of the substance whenever we do a conversion.

Therefore, to convert between milliliters and pounds of an ingredient or substance, we must either multiply or divide by its density, depending on which direction we are performing the conversion.

Milliliters to Pounds Formula

To convert a measurement in milliliters to pounds, multiply the volume by the density of the ingredient, substance, or material. Note that in order for this to work, the density must be in pounds per milliliter (lb/mL).

If the density is given in grams per milliliter (g/mL), then first divide the density by 453.5924 to convert to lb/mL.

For a density given in g/mL, you can use this simple formula to convert:

pounds = milliliters × density / 453.5924

Thus, the weight in pounds is equal to the volume in milliliters times the density (in g/mL) of the ingredient or material divided by 453.5924.

For example, here's how to convert 500 milliliters to pounds for an ingredient with a density of 0.7 g/mL.
pounds = 500 mL × 0.7 g/mL / 453.5924 = 0.7716 lb

When to Convert Milliliters to Pounds

Milliliters and pounds are both commonly used to measure cooking ingredients.

For cooking applications, most chefs suggest measuring dry ingredients by weight rather than volume to improve accuracy in the measurements.[1] The density of dry ingredients can vary for a variety of reasons, such as compaction and clumping.

The best way to ensure an accurate conversion is to use a scale. When a scale is not available, a calculator like the one above is a good way to estimate the volume to weight conversion.

Another useful application of weight and volume conversions is chemistry. When performing chemical reactions by combining separate chemicals to produce a new chemical, one must know the exact amount of each chemical to add in order to maximize the yield of the reaction.

It is common to mix powdered chemicals with liquid, or aqueous, chemicals, and this is where it becomes very useful to convert between weights and volumes.[2]

A third application of weight and volume conversions is when shipping freight when calculating the volumetric weight for cargo and packages. Trucks, ships, and airplanes are limited in the amount of weight or volume they can transport, so if one of those quantities is known, but the limitation is on the other, then it becomes necessary to convert between the two so as not to overload the shipping vehicle.

Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

What Is a Milliliter?

The milliliter is a unit of volume equal to 1 cubic centimeter, 1/1,000 of a liter, or about 0.061 cubic inches.[3]

The milliliter is an SI unit of volume in the metric system. In the metric system, "milli" is the prefix for thousandths, or 10-3. A milliliter is sometimes also referred to as a millilitre. Milliliters can be abbreviated as mL, and are also sometimes abbreviated as ml or mℓ. For example, 1 milliliter can be written as 1 mL, 1 ml, or 1 mℓ.

Since one milliliter is equivalent to one cubic centimeter, milliliters are sometimes expressed using the abbreviation for a cubic centimeter (cc) for things such as medical dosages or engine displacements.

Learn more about milliliters.

What Is a Pound?

Pounds are a widely used unit of weight in the United States. The National Bureau of Standards approved the international definition of the pound for use in the United States in 1959 after an agreement between six nations referred to as the International Yard and Pound Agreement.[4]

One pound is equal to 16 ounces, or 0.45359237 kilograms. In the avoirdupois or apothecaries' systems, one pound is equal to 7,000 grains.[5]

The pound is a US customary and imperial unit of mass. A pound is sometimes also referred to as a common ounce. Pounds can be abbreviated as lb (plural lbs), and are also sometimes abbreviated as lbm or #. For example, 1 pound can be written as 1 lb, 1 lbm, or 1 #, and 2 pounds can be written as 2 lbs.

A pound is also frequently referred to as a unit of weight. While technically, a pound is a measure of mass, and weight is actually a measure of force, the two are equivalent as long as we are performing our calculations on Earth.

For example, an object with a mass of 1 pound weighs 1 pound on Earth, but only weighs one-sixth of that on the moon, yet still has the same mass.

Learn more about pounds.

Milliliter to Pound Conversion Table

Milliliter measurements converted to pounds for commonly used cooking and baking ingredients.
Volume in Milliliters: Weight in Pounds of:
Water Milk Cooking Oil All Purpose Flour Granulated Sugar
1 mL 0.002205 lb 0.002271 lb 0.00194 lb 0.001166 lb 0.001554 lb
2 mL 0.004409 lb 0.004542 lb 0.00388 lb 0.002332 lb 0.003109 lb
3 mL 0.006614 lb 0.006812 lb 0.00582 lb 0.003499 lb 0.004663 lb
4 mL 0.008818 lb 0.009083 lb 0.00776 lb 0.004665 lb 0.006217 lb
5 mL 0.011023 lb 0.011354 lb 0.0097 lb 0.005831 lb 0.007771 lb
6 mL 0.013228 lb 0.013625 lb 0.01164 lb 0.006997 lb 0.009326 lb
7 mL 0.015432 lb 0.015895 lb 0.01358 lb 0.008164 lb 0.01088 lb
8 mL 0.017637 lb 0.018166 lb 0.015521 lb 0.00933 lb 0.012434 lb
9 mL 0.019842 lb 0.020437 lb 0.017461 lb 0.010496 lb 0.013988 lb
10 mL 0.022046 lb 0.022708 lb 0.019401 lb 0.011662 lb 0.015543 lb
11 mL 0.024251 lb 0.024978 lb 0.021341 lb 0.012829 lb 0.017097 lb
12 mL 0.026455 lb 0.027249 lb 0.023281 lb 0.013995 lb 0.018651 lb
13 mL 0.02866 lb 0.02952 lb 0.025221 lb 0.015161 lb 0.020205 lb
14 mL 0.030865 lb 0.031791 lb 0.027161 lb 0.016327 lb 0.02176 lb
15 mL 0.033069 lb 0.034061 lb 0.029101 lb 0.017494 lb 0.023314 lb
16 mL 0.035274 lb 0.036332 lb 0.031041 lb 0.01866 lb 0.024868 lb
17 mL 0.037479 lb 0.038603 lb 0.032981 lb 0.019826 lb 0.026422 lb
18 mL 0.039683 lb 0.040874 lb 0.034921 lb 0.020992 lb 0.027977 lb
19 mL 0.041888 lb 0.043144 lb 0.036861 lb 0.022159 lb 0.029531 lb
20 mL 0.044092 lb 0.045415 lb 0.038801 lb 0.023325 lb 0.031085 lb
21 mL 0.046297 lb 0.047686 lb 0.040741 lb 0.024491 lb 0.032639 lb
22 mL 0.048502 lb 0.049957 lb 0.042681 lb 0.025657 lb 0.034194 lb
23 mL 0.050706 lb 0.052228 lb 0.044622 lb 0.026824 lb 0.035748 lb
24 mL 0.052911 lb 0.054498 lb 0.046562 lb 0.02799 lb 0.037302 lb
25 mL 0.055116 lb 0.056769 lb 0.048502 lb 0.029156 lb 0.038856 lb
26 mL 0.05732 lb 0.05904 lb 0.050442 lb 0.030322 lb 0.040411 lb
27 mL 0.059525 lb 0.061311 lb 0.052382 lb 0.031489 lb 0.041965 lb
28 mL 0.061729 lb 0.063581 lb 0.054322 lb 0.032655 lb 0.043519 lb
29 mL 0.063934 lb 0.065852 lb 0.056262 lb 0.033821 lb 0.045074 lb
30 mL 0.066139 lb 0.068123 lb 0.058202 lb 0.034987 lb 0.046628 lb
31 mL 0.068343 lb 0.070394 lb 0.060142 lb 0.036154 lb 0.048182 lb
32 mL 0.070548 lb 0.072664 lb 0.062082 lb 0.03732 lb 0.049736 lb
33 mL 0.072753 lb 0.074935 lb 0.064022 lb 0.038486 lb 0.051291 lb
34 mL 0.074957 lb 0.077206 lb 0.065962 lb 0.039652 lb 0.052845 lb
35 mL 0.077162 lb 0.079477 lb 0.067902 lb 0.040819 lb 0.054399 lb
36 mL 0.079366 lb 0.081747 lb 0.069842 lb 0.041985 lb 0.055953 lb
37 mL 0.081571 lb 0.084018 lb 0.071783 lb 0.043151 lb 0.057508 lb
38 mL 0.083776 lb 0.086289 lb 0.073723 lb 0.044317 lb 0.059062 lb
39 mL 0.08598 lb 0.08856 lb 0.075663 lb 0.045484 lb 0.060616 lb
40 mL 0.088185 lb 0.09083 lb 0.077603 lb 0.04665 lb 0.06217 lb


  1. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Culinary Measurement Tips,
  2. CK-12 Foundation, Introductory Chemistry (CK-12) - 12.6: Mass-Volume Stoichiometry,
  3. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices, Handbook 44 - 2019 Edition,
  4. National Bureau of Standards, Refinement of Values for the Yard and Pound, U.S. Department of Commerce, July 1, 1959,
  5. Encyclopædia Britannica, Avoirdupois weight,

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