Ounces to Gallons Conversion Calculator

Enter the weight in ounces below to calculate the volume in gallons.


Result in Gallons:

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135 oz = 1.011035480486 gal

Do you want to convert gallons to ounces?

How to Convert Ounces to Gallons

Since ounces are a unit of mass and gallons are a unit of volume, which are different physical quantities, we need to know one more physical quantity of the ingredient or substance to convert between them. In this case, we need to account for the density of the substance whenever we do a conversion.

Therefore, to convert between ounces and gallons of an ingredient or substance, we must either multiply or divide by its density, depending on which direction we are performing the conversion.

Ounces to Gallons Formula

To convert a measurement in ounces to gallons, divide the weight by the density of the ingredient or material. Note that in order for this to work, the density must be in ounces per gallon (oz/gal).

If the density is given in grams per milliliter (g/mL), then first multiply the density by 133.5265 to convert to oz/gal.

For a density given in g/mL, you can use this simple formula to convert:

gallons = ounces / 133.5265 × density

Thus, the volume in gallons is equal to the weight in ounces divided by 133.5265 times the density (in g/mL) of the ingredient, substance, or material.

For example, here's how to convert 500 ounces to gallons for an ingredient with a density of 0.7 g/mL.
gallons = 500 oz / 133.5265 × 0.7 g/mL = 5.3494 gal

This formula is for converting ounces in weight, if you're trying to convert a volume measurement in fluid ounces, try our fluid ounces to gallons calculator.

When to Convert Ounces to Gallons

Ounces and gallons are both commonly used to measure cooking ingredients.

For cooking applications, most chefs suggest measuring dry ingredients by weight rather than volume to improve accuracy in the measurements.[1] The density of dry ingredients can vary for a variety of reasons, such as compaction and clumping.

The best way to ensure an accurate conversion is to use a scale. When a scale is not available, a calculator like the one above is a good way to estimate the weight to volume conversion.

Another useful application of weight and volume conversions is chemistry. When performing chemical reactions by combining separate chemicals to produce a new chemical, one must know the exact amount of each chemical to add in order to maximize the yield of the reaction.

It is common to mix powdered chemicals with liquid, or aqueous, chemicals, and this is where it becomes very useful to convert between weights and volumes.[2]

A third application of weight and volume conversions is when shipping freight when calculating the volumetric weight for cargo and packages. Trucks, ships, and airplanes are limited in the amount of weight or volume they can transport, so if one of those quantities is known, but the limitation is on the other, then it becomes necessary to convert between the two so as not to overload the shipping vehicle.

Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.

What Is an Ounce?

One ounce is a unit of mass/weight equal to 1/16 of a pound or 28.349523 grams. The common ounce should not be confused with the troy ounce, which is equal to 1/12 of a troy pound.[3]

The ounce is a US customary and imperial unit of mass. Ounces can be abbreviated as oz; for example, 1 ounce can be written as 1 oz.

An ounce is frequently referred to as a unit of weight. While technically, an ounce is a measure of mass, and weight is actually a measure of force, the two are equivalent as long as we are performing our calculations on Earth.

For example, an object with a mass of 1 ounce weighs 1 ounce on Earth, but only weighs one-sixth of that on the moon, yet still has the same mass.

Learn more about ounces.

What Is a Gallon?

The US liquid gallon is a unit of fluid volume equal to four quarts, eight pints, or sixteen cups.[4] The US liquid gallon should not be confused with the US dry gallon or the imperial gallon, which are different units of measure.

The gallon is a US customary unit of volume. Gallons can be abbreviated as gal; for example, 1 gallon can be written as 1 gal.

Learn more about gallons.

Ounce to Gallon Conversion Table

Ounce measurements converted to gallons for commonly used cooking and baking ingredients.
Weight in Ounces: Volume in Gallons of:
Water Milk Cooking Oil All Purpose Flour Granulated Sugar
1 oz 0.007489 gal 0.007271 gal 0.00851 gal 0.014157 gal 0.010623 gal
2 oz 0.014978 gal 0.014542 gal 0.017021 gal 0.028314 gal 0.021246 gal
3 oz 0.022467 gal 0.021813 gal 0.025531 gal 0.042472 gal 0.031869 gal
4 oz 0.029957 gal 0.029084 gal 0.034042 gal 0.056629 gal 0.042492 gal
5 oz 0.037446 gal 0.036355 gal 0.042552 gal 0.070786 gal 0.053115 gal
6 oz 0.044935 gal 0.043626 gal 0.051062 gal 0.084943 gal 0.063737 gal
7 oz 0.052424 gal 0.050897 gal 0.059573 gal 0.0991 gal 0.07436 gal
8 oz 0.059913 gal 0.058168 gal 0.068083 gal 0.113257 gal 0.084983 gal
9 oz 0.067402 gal 0.065439 gal 0.076594 gal 0.127415 gal 0.095606 gal
10 oz 0.074892 gal 0.07271 gal 0.085104 gal 0.141572 gal 0.106229 gal
11 oz 0.082381 gal 0.079981 gal 0.093614 gal 0.155729 gal 0.116852 gal
12 oz 0.08987 gal 0.087252 gal 0.102125 gal 0.169886 gal 0.127475 gal
13 oz 0.097359 gal 0.094523 gal 0.110635 gal 0.184043 gal 0.138098 gal
14 oz 0.104848 gal 0.101794 gal 0.119146 gal 0.198201 gal 0.148721 gal
15 oz 0.112337 gal 0.109065 gal 0.127656 gal 0.212358 gal 0.159344 gal
16 oz 0.119826 gal 0.116336 gal 0.136166 gal 0.226515 gal 0.169967 gal
17 oz 0.127316 gal 0.123607 gal 0.144677 gal 0.240672 gal 0.180589 gal
18 oz 0.134805 gal 0.130878 gal 0.153187 gal 0.254829 gal 0.191212 gal
19 oz 0.142294 gal 0.138149 gal 0.161698 gal 0.268987 gal 0.201835 gal
20 oz 0.149783 gal 0.14542 gal 0.170208 gal 0.283144 gal 0.212458 gal
21 oz 0.157272 gal 0.152691 gal 0.178718 gal 0.297301 gal 0.223081 gal
22 oz 0.164761 gal 0.159962 gal 0.187229 gal 0.311458 gal 0.233704 gal
23 oz 0.17225 gal 0.167233 gal 0.195739 gal 0.325615 gal 0.244327 gal
24 oz 0.17974 gal 0.174505 gal 0.20425 gal 0.339772 gal 0.25495 gal
25 oz 0.187229 gal 0.181776 gal 0.21276 gal 0.35393 gal 0.265573 gal
26 oz 0.194718 gal 0.189047 gal 0.22127 gal 0.368087 gal 0.276196 gal
27 oz 0.202207 gal 0.196318 gal 0.229781 gal 0.382244 gal 0.286819 gal
28 oz 0.209696 gal 0.203589 gal 0.238291 gal 0.396401 gal 0.297441 gal
29 oz 0.217185 gal 0.21086 gal 0.246802 gal 0.410558 gal 0.308064 gal
30 oz 0.224675 gal 0.218131 gal 0.255312 gal 0.424716 gal 0.318687 gal
31 oz 0.232164 gal 0.225402 gal 0.263822 gal 0.438873 gal 0.32931 gal
32 oz 0.239653 gal 0.232673 gal 0.272333 gal 0.45303 gal 0.339933 gal
33 oz 0.247142 gal 0.239944 gal 0.280843 gal 0.467187 gal 0.350556 gal
34 oz 0.254631 gal 0.247215 gal 0.289354 gal 0.481344 gal 0.361179 gal
35 oz 0.26212 gal 0.254486 gal 0.297864 gal 0.495502 gal 0.371802 gal
36 oz 0.269609 gal 0.261757 gal 0.306374 gal 0.509659 gal 0.382425 gal
37 oz 0.277099 gal 0.269028 gal 0.314885 gal 0.523816 gal 0.393048 gal
38 oz 0.284588 gal 0.276299 gal 0.323395 gal 0.537973 gal 0.403671 gal
39 oz 0.292077 gal 0.28357 gal 0.331906 gal 0.55213 gal 0.414293 gal
40 oz 0.299566 gal 0.290841 gal 0.340416 gal 0.566287 gal 0.424916 gal


  1. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Culinary Measurement Tips, https://www.nist.gov/pml/owm/culinary-measurement-tips
  2. CK-12 Foundation, Introductory Chemistry (CK-12) - 12.6: Mass-Volume Stoichiometry, https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Introductory_Chemistry/Introductory_Chemistry_(CK-12)/12%3A_Stoichiometry/12.06%3A_Mass-Volume_Stoichiometry
  3. James Bucki, Troy Ounce vs. Ounce, The Spruce, https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/troy-ounce-vs-ounce-4588158
  4. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices, Handbook 44 - 2019 Edition, https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/hb/2019/NIST.HB.44-2019.pdf

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