Cylinder Cubic Footage Calculator
Enter the diameter and height to calculate the cubic footage of a cylinder.
How to Find the Volume of a Cylinder in Cubic Feet
Cubic footage is the measure of the volume of a space in cubic feet. To find the cubic footage of a cylinder, use the following formula:
volume = π × r2 × h
The volume of a cylinder in cubic feet is equal to π times the square of the base’s radius r in feet squared times the cylinder’s height h in feet.
π is roughly equal to 3.14159265359.
π = 3.14159265359
If you know the diameter of the cylinder, you can find the radius by dividing the diameter by two, or just use our circle diameter calculator.
radius = diameter ÷ 2

It’s important to ensure the radius and height are in feet, or the resulting volume will not be in cubic feet. For instance, if the measurements are in inches, then the result will be in cubic inches, and if they are in yards, then the result will be in cubic yards.
For example, let’s find the volume of a cylinder in cubic feet with a radius of 4′ and a height of 3′.
volume = π × 42 × 3
volume = 3.14159265359 × 16 × 3
volume = 150.8 cu ft
You might also be interested in our cylinder cubic yards calculator to calculate the volume of a cylinder in cubic yards.