Common Fraction and Percent Equivalents
This chart shows common fractions and their percentage equivalents. Use it to easily and quickly see the percent value for a fraction
This chart shows all of the fractions with a denominator up to 20.
If you’re not seeing your fraction you might need to simplify the fraction first, or you can use our calculator to convert a fraction to a percentage.
Fraction | Percent |
1/2 | 50% |
1/3 | 33.33% |
2/3 | 66.67% |
1/4 | 25% |
3/4 | 75% |
1/5 | 20% |
2/5 | 40% |
3/5 | 60% |
4/5 | 80% |
1/6 | 16.67% |
5/6 | 83.33% |
1/7 | 14.29% |
2/7 | 28.57% |
3/7 | 42.86% |
4/7 | 57.14% |
5/7 | 71.43% |
6/7 | 85.71% |
1/8 | 12.5% |
3/8 | 37.5% |
5/8 | 62.5% |
7/8 | 87.5% |
1/9 | 11.11% |
2/9 | 22.22% |
4/9 | 44.44% |
5/9 | 55.56% |
7/9 | 77.78% |
8/9 | 88.89% |
1/10 | 10% |
3/10 | 30% |
7/10 | 70% |
9/10 | 90% |
1/11 | 9.09% |
2/11 | 18.18% |
3/11 | 27.27% |
4/11 | 36.36% |
5/11 | 45.45% |
6/11 | 54.55% |
7/11 | 63.64% |
8/11 | 72.73% |
9/11 | 81.82% |
10/11 | 90.91% |
1/12 | 8.33% |
5/12 | 41.67% |
7/12 | 58.33% |
11/12 | 91.67% |
1/13 | 7.69% |
2/13 | 15.38% |
3/13 | 23.08% |
4/13 | 30.77% |
5/13 | 38.46% |
6/13 | 46.15% |
7/13 | 53.85% |
8/13 | 61.54% |
9/13 | 69.23% |
10/13 | 76.92% |
11/13 | 84.62% |
12/13 | 92.31% |
1/14 | 7.14% |
3/14 | 21.43% |
5/14 | 35.71% |
9/14 | 64.29% |
11/14 | 78.57% |
13/14 | 92.86% |
1/15 | 6.67% |
2/15 | 13.33% |
4/15 | 26.67% |
7/15 | 46.67% |
8/15 | 53.33% |
11/15 | 73.33% |
13/15 | 86.67% |
14/15 | 93.33% |
1/16 | 6.25% |
3/16 | 18.75% |
5/16 | 31.25% |
7/16 | 43.75% |
9/16 | 56.25% |
11/16 | 68.75% |
13/16 | 81.25% |
15/16 | 93.75% |
1/17 | 5.88% |
2/17 | 11.76% |
3/17 | 17.65% |
4/17 | 23.53% |
5/17 | 29.41% |
6/17 | 35.29% |
7/17 | 41.18% |
8/17 | 47.06% |
9/17 | 52.94% |
10/17 | 58.82% |
11/17 | 64.71% |
12/17 | 70.59% |
13/17 | 76.47% |
14/17 | 82.35% |
15/17 | 88.24% |
16/17 | 94.12% |
1/18 | 5.56% |
5/18 | 27.78% |
7/18 | 38.89% |
11/18 | 61.11% |
13/18 | 72.22% |
17/18 | 94.44% |
1/19 | 5.26% |
2/19 | 10.53% |
3/19 | 15.79% |
4/19 | 21.05% |
5/19 | 26.32% |
6/19 | 31.58% |
7/19 | 36.84% |
8/19 | 42.11% |
9/19 | 47.37% |
10/19 | 52.63% |
11/19 | 57.89% |
12/19 | 63.16% |
13/19 | 68.42% |
14/19 | 73.68% |
15/19 | 78.95% |
16/19 | 84.21% |
17/19 | 89.47% |
18/19 | 94.74% |
1/20 | 5% |
3/20 | 15% |
7/20 | 35% |
9/20 | 45% |
11/20 | 55% |
13/20 | 65% |
17/20 | 85% |
19/20 | 95% |
Are you trying to convert a percentage to a fraction? Try our percent to fraction conversion calculator instead.
We think you might also like our fraction to decimal equivalents chart.