What is 5/16 as a Decimal?

Are you trying to figure out how to write 5/16 in the form of a decimal?

Solution: 5/16 as a decimal is 0.3125

Follow along to see how to convert fractions like this to decimal form.

How to Convert 5/16 to Decimal

To convert 5/16 to a decimal, you need to use the division method. Here is the formula:

5/16 = 5 ÷ 16 = 0.3125

To use the division method to express 5/16 as a decimal, divide the fraction's numerator (5) by the denominator (16), which is equal to 0.3125.

You can use a similar method to write 5/16 as a percentage.

Convert Another Fraction to Decimal

Use our fraction to decimal calculator to rewrite any fraction as a decimal. The calculator shows each step in the conversion, so you can follow along.


Decimal Result:


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More Fraction to Decimal Conversions

See how to convert these common fractions to decimal values:

You might also like our equivalent fractions chart for finding the equivalent decimal values for common fractions.