Fraction to Percent Calculator
Convert a fraction to a percent using our calculator by entering your fraction below.
Steps to Convert Fraction to Percent
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How to Convert a Fraction to Percent
There are just two simple steps to convert a fraction to a percent.
Step One: Convert the Fraction to a Decimal Value
The first step is to convert the fraction to a decimal number. This is as easy as dividing the numerator by the denominator.
As a refresher, the numerator is the top number above the fraction bar, and the denominator is the bottom number below the fraction bar. The fraction does not need to be in simplest form.
decimal = numerator ÷ denominator

For example, convert the fraction 3/4 to a percentage. We’ll start with the first step by converting it to a decimal number.
3 / 4 = 3 ÷ 4
3 / 4 = 0.75
Thus, the decimal value of 3/4 is 0.75.
Here’s a tip: you might be able to use a decimal equivalents chart for a list of decimal values for common fractions to convert a fraction to decimal without using division.
You might also be interested in our long division calculator.
Step Two: Convert the Decimal Value to a Percentage
The second step is to convert the number from a decimal to a percentage.
To convert it to a percent, multiply the decimal by 100 (or just move the decimal point 2 places to the right), then add a percentage sign (%) after it.

For example, let’s convert 0.75 to a percentage.
percentage = 0.75 × 100 = 75%
The percentage value of 0.75 is 75%. So, 3/4 as a percent is 75%.
Putting this all together, you can turn a fraction into a percentage by solving the fraction, multiplying that by 100, then adding a percent sign (%) to the result.
How to Convert Mixed Number to Percent
The steps above work well for proper and improper fractions, but what about mixed numbers? A mixed number is a number with both a whole number and a proper fraction like this:
1 3 / 4
To convert a mixed fraction like this to a percentage, start by converting the fraction portion using the steps above.
Then, multiply the whole number by 100% and add it to the percentage found for the fraction portion.
For example, let’s convert the mixed fraction 1 3/4 to a percentage.
Let’s start by following the steps above for the fraction portion.
3 / 4 = 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75 = 75%
Then, multiply the whole number in the mixed number by 100%.
1 × 100% = 100%
Finally, add the two results together to get the total percentage.
100% + 75% = 175%
So, the result is 175%.
Another way to convert a mixed number to a percent is to convert the mixed number into an improper fraction and then follow the same steps to convert a decimal into a percent.
For example, let’s convert 1 3/4 to a percentage using this method.
1 3/4 = 7/4
7 ÷ 4 = 1.75
1.75 × 100 = 175%
Fraction to Percent Conversion Chart
Another way to convert a fraction to a percent is to use a conversion chart. The conversion chart below shows some common fractions and their equivalent percentages.
Fraction | Percent |
1/2 | 50% |
1/3 | 33.3% |
2/3 | 66.6% |
1/4 | 25% |
3/4 | 75% |
1/5 | 20% |
2/5 | 40% |
3/5 | 60% |
4/5 | 80% |
1/6 | 16.66% |
5/6 | 83.33% |
1/8 | 12.5% |
3/8 | 37.5% |
5/8 | 62.5% |
7/8 | 87.5% |
1/9 | 11.1% |
2/9 | 22.2% |
4/9 | 44.4% |
5/9 | 55.5% |
7/9 | 77.7% |
8/9 | 88.8% |
1/10 | 10% |
1/12 | 8.333% |
1/16 | 6.25% |
More Fraction to Percentage Conversions
See the steps to convert these common fractions to percentages.
See our fraction to percent chart for more fractions and their equivalent percentages.