What is 6' 0" in Inches?

Are you trying to find out how tall 6 feet 0 inches is in inches?

icon showing a ruler and person measuring their height

How tall is 6' 0" in inches:


6' 0" is equal to 72 inches.

How to Convert 6' 0" to Inches

You can convert 6 ft 0 in to inches by following a few simple steps.

Step One: convert the number of feet to inches by multiplying by 12.

6 ft × 12 = 72 in

Step Two: add this value in inches to the remaining inches to get the total height in inches.

72 in + 0 in = 72 in

So, 6' 0" is 72 total inches. You can confirm this using our height converter.

Once you know the height in inches, you can multiply the result by 2.54 to figure out how tall 6' 0" is in centimeters.

6 ft 0 in to Inches Conversion Chart

Chart showing the height conversion for 6 ft 0 in and other close measurements to inches.
Feet & InchesTotal Inches
5' 7"67"
5' 8"68"
5' 9"69"
5' 10"70"
5' 11"71"
6' 0"72"
6' 1"73"
6' 2"74"
6' 3"75"
6' 4"76"
6' 5"77"

Our height comparison chart has a more comprehensive list of height conversions to convert heights to meters, centimeters, and inches.

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