PPM to Percent Converter

Convert a concentration in parts per million to percent using the converter below.

How to Convert PPM to Percent

Parts per million (ppm) and parts per cent (%) are units that measure the concentration of a substance in a solution or mixture. They represent the same amount, but using a different expression.

  • parts per million (ppm): 1 part substance per 1,000,000 parts solution
  • parts per cent (%): 1 part substance per 100 parts solution

To convert a concentration in ppm to a percent, you need to know the conversion ratio. Then you can use the ppm to percent formula to convert.

Since one million (106) is ten thousand times larger than one percent (102), the conversion ratio is 10,000 percent/ppm.

PPM to Percent Formula

Therefore, the formula to convert ppm to a percent is:

ppm ÷ 10,000 = percent

So, to convert parts per million to parts per cent, divide the concentration in ppm by 10,000. You can also reverse this formula and multiply by 10,000 to convert from percent to ppm.

For example, let’s convert 2,500 ppm of a solute in a solvent to parts per cent. Substitute 2,500 ppm in the formula above to solve.

2,500 ppm ÷ 10,000 = 0.25%

Thus, a concentration of 2,500 ppm is equivalent to 0.25% (or 0.25 percent).

You might be interested in our ppm converter to convert concentrations in parts per million to other measurements.