Round to the Nearest Cent Calculator

Use our calculator to round a price value to the nearest cent, nickel, dime, quarter, or dollar.


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How to Round to the Nearest Cent

Rounding price values to the nearest cent is a way to represent a dollar value using only two significant figures to the right of the decimal. Rounding to the nearest cent allows high precision price values to be used with more conventional systems that support only whole cents in a price.

Rounding helps to approximate values to whole dollars and cents, which is what most people and systems rely on for pricing. Dollars and cents generally assume a precision of two values to the right of the decimal point, which is a precision of one cent.

Rounding Rules

When rounding prices to the nearest whole cent, you need to use the rules for rounding.

  • Look at the digit immediately to the right of the value in the hundredths place in the decimal.
  • If the digit immediately to the right of the desired decimal place or whole number is 5 or greater, add 1 to the number in the hundredths place.
  • Remove all of the numbers to the right of the hundredths place.

You can round a number to the nearest cent by looking at the number in the hundredths place and the number immediately to the right.

If the number in the thousandths place is 5 or greater, add 1 to the number in the hundredths place. Then, remove the numbers to the right of the hundredths place.

For example, let’s round $1.468 to the nearest cent.

Since the number to the right of the hundredths place is 8, we need to add 1 to the number in the hundredths place (6).

6 + 1 = 7

Then, remove the values after the hundredths place. This becomes:


So, $1.468 rounded to the nearest cent is equal to $1.47.