Salary to Hourly Calculator
Calculate your hourly, weekly, or monthly pay for your salary using the calculator below.
Converted Wages:
Hourly Pay: | $28.85
Daily Pay: | $230.77
Weekly Pay: | $1,153.85
Biweekly Pay: | $2,307.69
Monthly Pay: | $5,000.00
How Does This Compare?
The median salary in the U.S. is $77,719 per year.[1]
$60,000 a year is $17,719 less than the median annual salary.
On this page:
How to Convert Salary to Hourly Pay
Generally speaking, there are two ways an employee can get paid: with an annual salary or an hourly wage. While there are other payment structures that offer elements of both, such as hybrid pay systems (part hourly and part salary) and commission-based payment systems, hourly and salary are the most common forms of compensation.
It’s important to note that there might be other non-cash benefits that make up a worker’s total compensation, such as insurance, vacation days, company perks, and more—these are the two most common ways for people to get paid in cash as part of their annual income.
If you are comparing different job offers or trying to negotiate with a potential employer, it would be helpful to know how to convert an annual salary into hourly pay. When all else is equal, it will be easier to identify which is the better compensation for the time you work and which payment structure will work best for you.
Steps to Convert a Salary to an Hourly Wage
If you are currently a salaried employee or are considering becoming a salaried employee, you may want to know what that equates to per hour.
Fortunately, converting a salary into an hourly wage is fairly straightforward. You need to identify the following:
- Your current salary
- The average number of hours you work per week
- The number of weeks in the period you are measuring for (There are 52 weeks in a year)
Salary to Hourly Wage Formula
Once you have that information, you can use this formula to calculate your equivalent hourly wage:
hourly wage = salary / hours per week × 52
Thus, the amount you earn per hour is equal to your salary divided by the number of work hours in the year.
For example, let’s suppose that your annual salary is $60,000, and, on average, you work 40 hours per week.
Using the formula above, we can solve:
hourly wage = $60,000 / 40 × 52
hourly wage = $60,000 / 2,080
hourly wage = $28.85 per hour
So, if you earn $60,000 per year and work a typical 40-hour work week you would be making $28.85 per hour.
The formula works regardless of how many hours you worked in a given year or what your salary might be.
A typical full-time job, where an employee works 40 hours per week and is paid for their time off and holidays, consists of 2,080 hours per year.
Salary to Hourly Wage Chart
The chart below shows the equivalent hourly wages for various annual salary levels based on a typical 40-hour work week.
Annual Salary | Hourly Rate | Weekly Pay | Monthly Pay |
$30,000 | $14.42 | $577 | $2,500 |
$35,000 | $16.83 | $673 | $2,917 |
$40,000 | $19.23 | $769 | $3,333 |
$45,000 | $21.63 | $865 | $3,750 |
$50,000 | $24.04 | $962 | $4,167 |
$55,000 | $26.44 | $1,058 | $4,583 |
$60,000 | $28.85 | $1,154 | $5,000 |
$65,000 | $31.25 | $1,250 | $5,417 |
$70,000 | $33.65 | $1,346 | $5,833 |
$75,000 | $36.06 | $1,442 | $6,250 |
$80,000 | $38.46 | $1,538 | $6,667 |
$85,000 | $40.87 | $1,635 | $7,083 |
$90,000 | $43.27 | $1,731 | $7,500 |
$95,000 | $45.67 | $1,827 | $7,917 |
$100,000 | $48.08 | $1,923 | $8,333 |
How to Account for Salary Taxes and Withholdings
It’s important to note that the formula and example above do not account for variables that increase or decrease your effective pay, such as overtime pay, taxes, and other withholdings, so you may need to also consider that for an overall picture of your compensation.
If you use your pre-tax salary income in the calculations above, the result will be your pre-tax hourly wage. This is also called gross pay.
To find take-home post-tax pay, or net pay, you’ll need to account for income tax, social security, medicare, state, and local taxes. You’ll also need to account for other withholdings like health insurance or retirement.
Your income should be taxed at the same rate for both salary and hourly wages. So, if you know your tax rate and withholdings for your salary, you can use the same rates and withholdings to find your post-tax hourly wage.
For instance, if your annual taxes and withholdings are $10,000, then you can divide the $10,000 by the total number of hours you work per year to find your tax rate per hour.
Then, subtract the taxes and withholdings per hour to find your post-tax hourly rate.
To figure out your taxes and withholdings, it’s best to consult with an accountant or use the IRS tool for calculating withholdings.[2]
How to Decide Which Structure is Best
When comparing different jobs or different compensation packages, there are a lot of things you should consider.
Taking some time to assign values to non-cash components of your compensation — healthcare, retirement contributions, vacation days, reimbursements, schedule, etc. — will make it easier to compare options that have different structures.
There are also other factors to consider, such as salaried employees may have to work more than 40 hours in some weeks without proportionate compensation. Hourly wage employees, on the other hand, might not be able to access as many benefits as their salaried counterparts.
Both systems have their fair share of pros and cons, but in either case, learning how to convert a salary to an hourly wage (and vice versa) can be beneficial.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a good hourly wage?
The average hourly wage as of January 2023 in the United States was $33.03, but this varies greatly by geographical location, industry, education level, and experience.[3] The Federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, but most states’ minimum wage laws are much higher than the Federal rate.[4]
How many hours is full-time?
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), there is no definition of full-time or part-time employment.[5] This is determined by each employer, however, most employers consider an employee whose work hours are 30 hours per week or greater to be full-time.
Typically, full time employees receive additional benefits that part-time employees do not, so it’s important to clarify with a potential employer if a job is considered full-time or part-time.
Is hourly pay better than commission pay?
Whether hourly pay or commission-based pay is more beneficial to an employee depends on their personal preference. Commission-only jobs sometimes offer fewer benefits than full-time hourly jobs. There is also no federal minimum wage set in place for commission-only jobs, which means an employee may work for hours that they are not compensated for if they are not making sales.
In many cases, employees who are paid on commission also do not receive annual pay raises, which can be an important consideration.
Overall, it’s important to understand your hourly wage, whether you are a salary employee or hourly employee. This will help you compare different jobs, negotiate with employers, and properly budget.
- Engel, K. and Posey, K., Household Income in States and Metropolitan Areas: 2023, U.S. Census Bureau,
- Internal Revenue Service, Tax Withholding Estimator,
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economic News Release - Table B-3. Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted,
- U.S. Department of Labor, State Minimum Wage Laws,
- U.S. Department of Labor, Full-Time Employment,