Scientific Calculator


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How to Use a Scientific Calculator

Scientific calculators are essential tools for solving complex mathematical problems in subjects such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. See a brief explanation of each operation and function on this scientific calculator below.

Basic Operations

These are the basic operations that you will see on almost any calculator.

Addition (+), Subtraction (), Multiplication (×), and Division (÷):
Enter numbers and press the respective operator button. For example, to calculate 8 + 5, press 8, +, 5, followed by =.
Equals (=):
Press the equal sign button to display the result of your expression.
Percentage (%):
Use the % button to convert a number from a percentage to decimal.
Plus/Minus (+/-):
Use the +/- button to switch a number from positive to negative.

Mode and Settings

Secondary Functions (2nd):
Access additional functions such as sin-1 using the 2nd mode button.
All Clear (AC):
The AC button clears the entire calculation.
Degree/Radian Mode (Deg/Rad):
The Deg/Rad button allows you to change calculations for trigonometric functions using values in degrees or radians. This saves the trouble of converting degrees to radians before using the trig functions.

Advanced Mathematical Functions

Exponents (x2, x3, xy):
Use the x2 button to square a number. For instance, to raise 5 to the power of 2, press 5, x2, and = to calculate 25.
Use the x3 button to cube a number by raising it to the third power.

Use the xy for exponents to raise a number to any power. For example, to calculate 24, press 2, xy, 3, and =.
Roots (, 3x, yx):
Use the button to find the square root of a number. For example, to find the square root of 16, press , 16, and = to get 4.
Use the 3x button to find the cubic root of a number.
Use the yx button to find the nth root of a number.
Factorial (x!):
The x! button calculates the factorial for a given number.
Logarithms (log, ln):
The log button calculates the base-10 logarithm. For instance, press log, 100, and = to get 2.
The ln button calculates the natural logarithm (base e). For example, press ln, e, and = to get 1.
Trigonometric Functions (sin, cos, tan):
These buttons calculate the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle. For example, press sin, 30, = in degree mode to get 0.5. Ensure the calculator is in the correct mode (degrees or radians).
Inverse Trigonometric Functions (sin-1, cos-1, tan-1):
Use these to find angles from trigonometric ratios. For instance, you can use the inverse sine function to find the angle whose sine is 0.5 by pressing 2nd to access the secondary functions, then sin-1, 0.5, = to get 30°.
Absolute Value (|x|):
The |x| button allows you to use the absolute value function to find the absolute value of a number.

Special Buttons

Pi (π):
The π button inserts the value of pi (π ≈ 3.14159). Useful in geometry and trigonometry.
Euler’s number (e):
The e button inserts the mathematical constant e (≈ 2.718).
Last Answer (Ans):
The Ans button recalls the last calculated answer, allowing you to use it in subsequent expressions.
Parentheses (()):
Use these to structure complex calculations, such as (2+3)×4, and apply the correct order of operations.