Seconds to HH:MM:SS Time Calculator
Convert seconds to a duration expressed in HH:MM:SS using the calculator below.
How to Convert Seconds to Time Expressed in HH:MM:SS
The calculator above will convert the number of seconds to a full time or duration expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds. To do the conversion yourself, follow these steps.

To find the number of whole hours, divide the total number of seconds by 3,600. The number to the left of the decimal point is the number of whole hours. The number to the right of the decimal point is the number of partial hours.
Convert the remaining partial hours to minutes by multiplying the partial hours by 60. The number to the left of the decimal point is the number of whole minutes, and the number to the right is the number of partial minutes.
Now, find the number of remaining seconds by multiplying the number of partial minutes from the last step by 60.
Finally, write the results in the form HH:MM:SS, and you’re done!
For example, follow along to see how to convert 8,274 seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds.
First, find the number of whole hours
8,274 seconds = 8,274 seconds ÷ 3,600
8,274 seconds = 2.29833 hours
full hours = 2
Find the number of whole minutes
minutes = .29833 hours × 60 minutes
minutes = 17.9 minutes
full minutes = 17
Find the remaining seconds
seconds = .9 minutes × 60 seconds
seconds = 54 seconds
Finish up by rewriting as HH:MM:SS
time = 2:17:54
To convert the time back to seconds, use out our time to seconds calculator.