Time and a Half Calculator

Calculate your time and a half overtime rate using our overtime calculator below. Optionally enter the hours worked to calculate your time and a half pay.

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Time and a Half Pay Rate:


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How to Calculate Time and a Half Pay

Any employee eligible for overtime will most likely receive time and a half pay for each hour of overtime worked. Overtime is generally considered the hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week, and those hours are often paid at time and a half.

To calculate time and a half pay, you’ll need to use a formula.

Time and a Half Formula

Time and a half pay can be calculated using the formula below.

time and a half pay = hourly wage × 1.5 × overtime hours worked

So, your time and a half pay is equal to your hourly wage multiplied by 1.5 multiplied by the hours of overtime you worked.

Time and a Half vs. Double-Time

If a worker is getting time and a half for their overtime pay, they are receiving 50% more than their regular pay per hour. An employee earning double-time will receive twice the hourly rate they receive for their normal rate.

In the time and a half formula above, the difference is found in the middle term, which is the overtime multiplier. For time and a half, the overtime multiplier is 1.5, and for double-time overtime pay, it is 2.

Overtime Pay Formula

The overtime pay formula is a more generic version of the time and a half pay formula and can be found here:

overtime pay = hourly wage × overtime multiplier × overtime hours worked

Thus, overtime pay is equal to the hourly wage multiplied by the multiplier, then multiplied by the hours of overtime worked. Instead of having 1.5 as the overtime multiplier, this formula allows for any overtime multiplier.

If you are paid a salary and are eligible for overtime pay, you can calculate your hourly wage to use in this formula using our salary to hourly calculator.


In this example, we will assume a normal pay rate of $25 per hour, a normal workweek of 40 hours, and 20 hours of overtime.

The time and a half pay rate is the normal pay rate times 1.5, or $25 × 1.5 = $37.5.

The standard pay is $1,000, which is found by multiplying the normal hours worked of 40 by the standard pay of $25 per hour.

The overtime pay can be found by using the time and a half formula:

time and a half pay = $25 × 1.5 × 20
time and a half pay = $750

Then, the total pay is calculated by adding the standard pay and overtime pay: $1,000 + $750 = $1,750.

Time and a Half Pay Chart

The chart below shows the time and a half pay rates for common hourly wages.

Time and a half for various hourly rates
Standard Hourly Pay Time and a Half Pay
$10 $15.00
$11 $16.50
$12 $18.00
$13 $19.50
$14 $21.00
$15 $22.50
$16 $24.00
$17 $25.50
$18 $27.00
$19 $28.50
$20 $30.00
$21 $31.50
$22 $33.00
$23 $34.50
$24 $36.00
$25 $37.50
$30 $45.00
$35 $52.50
$40 $60.00

Frequently Asked Questions

Do salary employees get time and a half?

Some salaried employees are able to get time and a half overtime pay. Although it requires additional work, for some, it’s a nice way to increase income.

The U.S. federal government stipulates that one of two conditions must be met in order for a salaried employee to receive overtime.

First, they must make less than $35,568 per year. This comes out to about $684 per week or $17.10 per hour with a 40-hour weekly schedule.

Or, they must work in a job that is not exempt. As the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) indicates, this mostly applies to blue-collar workers and first responders, such as police, firefighters, and paramedics.[1] The list of exemptions is detailed in the next section.

If the employee is salaried and their annual income is less than the thresholds listed above, or they work in a job that does not fall under one of the exemptions, they will be entitled to overtime pay for any hour worked above the normal 40-hour-a-week schedule.

Overtime Exemptions

There are exemptions that the FLSA gives in which salaried employees are not eligible for overtime pay. These include:

  • Executive exemption
  • Administrative exemption
  • Professional exemption
  • Computer Employee exemption
  • Outside Sales exemption
  • Highly Compensated exemption

Read the FLSA fact sheet[1] to learn more about each of these exemptions and if they apply to you.

If you are a salaried employee, make more than $684 per week, and are included in one of these exemptions, then you will most likely not be eligible for overtime pay. Check with your employer to see whether you are an exempt or non-exempt employee.

You can calculate your salary using our hourly wage to salary calculator.

Do you get time and a half or double pay on a holiday?

The U.S. Federal Government does not require time and a half or double pay for work on holidays unless overtime hours are worked on such days. However, each employer differs and may offer overtime pay on a company or federal holiday.[2]

Does overtime stack with holiday pay?

In general, overtime pay does not stack on top of holiday pay because an employee would be paid for the holiday whether they worked or not. Therefore, holiday pay hours are excluded in the number of hours worked per week, and an employee would still need to work more than 40 hours in that week to receive overtime pay.

Are employees paid by the day eligible for time and a half?

Time and a half overtime pay is calculated on any hours worked over 40 per week. Therefore, if an employee is a not exempt salaried employee or an hourly wage employee, they would be eligible for time and a half overtime pay.

Do commissions earn time and a half for overtime?

Commission pay does not earn time and a half pay for overtime, however, an employee who is paid an hourly wage plus commission would be eligible for 1.5 times their hourly wage for any hours worked over 40 in a week.

Overall, it’s important to understand your wage for time and half pay, if you are eligible for time and a half pay, and how to calculate your total wages.


  1. U.S. Department of Labor, Fact Sheet #17A: Exemption for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Computer & Outside Sales Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/17a-overtime
  2. U.S. Office of Human Resources Management, Pay for Holiday Work, https://www.commerce.gov/hr/practitioners/compensation-policies/premium-pay/pay-for-holiday-work