Time to Hours Calculator
Convert time to hours by entering the hours, minutes, and seconds below. Use the calculator to convert a time or duration in HH:MM:SS to hours or to convert minutes or seconds to hours.
Time in Hours:
hours How to Convert Time to Hours
To convert a time to just hours as a decimal, for instance if you need to calculate hours worked, you can use a simple formula:
total hours = hours + (minutes ÷ 60) + (seconds ÷ 3600)
For example, let’s convert 12:45:00 to hours.
hours = 12 + (45 ÷ 60) + (00 ÷ 3600)
hours = 12 + .075 + 0
hours = 12.75
Thus, 12:45:00 is equivalent to a total of 12.75 hours.
You might also like our time to decimal calculator.