How Many Weeks Until Christmas 2025?

icon for a calendar with one day highlighted red icon for a calendar with one day highlighted red

Weeks Until Christmas:

🎄 December 25, 2025

40 weeks and 2 days

Time Remaining Until Christmas:

  • 9 months 7 days
  • 40 weeks and 2 days
  • 282 days
  • 6,768 hours

There are forty weeks and two days remaining until Christmas, which falls on December 25, 2025. This is calculated from today's date, which is March 18, 2025.

Christmas is a U.S. federal holiday that falls on December 25th every year.

The following chart shows the weeks remaining until Christmas from today and various other days.
On DateCountdown to Christmas 🎄
March 14, 202540 weeks and 6 days
March 15, 202540 weeks and 5 days
March 16, 202540 weeks and 4 days
March 17, 202540 weeks and 3 days
March 18, 202540 weeks and 2 days
March 19, 202540 weeks and 1 day
March 20, 202540 weeks
March 21, 202539 weeks and 6 days
March 22, 202539 weeks and 5 days

How To Calculate the Weeks Until Christmas

You can count down the weeks until Christmas (12/25) in a few ways. The easiest is to use a calculator, such as our weeks calculator. You can also calculate the weeks manually with a calendar or using a spreadsheet formula.

Christmas tree and holiday lights

Method One: Use a Calendar

The first method to find how many weeks there are until Christmas is to use a calendar. This method involves a few easy steps.

Step One: Find the Start Date

Begin by identifying the start date on the calendar - you'll need to find both the month and the day.

Step Two: Find the Number of Days Remaining in the Start Month

Beginning with the start month, subtract the day in the start month from the total number of days in that month.

For instance, if the start date is January 7th, and since there are 31 total days in January, there are 31 - 7 = 24 days left in January.

Step Three: Find the Number of Days in the Remaining Months

If there are any remaining full months before Christmas after the start month, then simply add the number of days in each month to the total number of days.

For instance, if the date range is from January 7 to December 25th, then you'll need to add the number of days in the months of February through December to the remaining days in January from step two.

Step Four: Calculate the Number of Days in December

Next, you'll need to find the number of days in December before Christmas. To do this, subtract 1 from 25, which is 24.

Step Five: Calculate the Total Number of Days

The next step is to add up the number of days from steps two, three, and four to calculate the total number of days until Christmas.

Step Six: Calculate the Number of Weeks Until Christmas

The final step is to convert the number of days to weeks to find the number of weeks left until Christmas. To do this, divide the number of days left in the year by 7 to calculate the number of weeks remaining.

Method Two: Use Sheets or Excel

You can also calculate the number of weeks remaining until 12/25 using spreadsheet software such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. You can do this using a few different formulas.

From the Current Date

If you want to find the number of weeks remaining from the current day, you can use the following function in a cell to calculate that number:

=INT((DATE(2025, 12, 25) - TODAY()) / 7)

Note that this formula calculates and displays the number of weeks once you type the formula into a cell and hit Enter.

From Any Date

If you want to find the number of weeks remaining from a specific date listed in another cell, in this case, from a date in cell A1, then you can use the following function to display the number of weeks remaining from the date displayed in cell A1:

=INT((DATE(2025, 12, 25) - A1) / 7)

Don't forget to plan ahead! You can use our ham size calculator to ensure you have enough ham for the big day!

You might also be interested in seeing how many weeks there are until Easter, Halloween, or Thanksgiving.